
Is Acne Genetic?

Is Acne Genetic? We get this question all the time. And the answer is yes, acne is far more genetic than environmental.
Is Acne Genetic?
Genetics play a role in how easily your pores clog. You may have a hereditary tendency to overproduce dead skin cells that clogs your pores. And you can think of it as genetic acne when this leads to breakouts.

Acne genetics determine how your immune system responds to p. acnes bacteria. Genetics have an effect on acne breakouts. It may be the reason why some people are acne-prone while others are not.

One person may develop only minor blackheads while another develops explosive red and tender nodules.

Study About Acne Genetic

The Study found that genes explained a significant 81 percent of the difference in acne prevalence. While the other 19 percent was explained by non-shared environmental factors.

Another study took a look that having a first-degree relative who suffers from acne increases the risk of getting acne by four times.

Genes contribute to skin sensitivity. Acne-prone skin is more susceptible to oil production, and tends to shed and regenerate skin cells faster.

Those prone to acne also exhibit strong inflammatory responses to skin irritants and bacteria in comparison to those who don’t have issues with acne.

While acne has been linked to genetics. It might also be plausible that shared habits and culture contribute to incidence of acne. Although there’s been no significant science behind that claim.

What makes the hereditary nature of acne so frustrating for many is that acne genetics are unpredictable.

Even in identical twins, one twin may get tiny little pimples that last a week while the other develops cysts that permanently scar the skin.

However, experts agree that if both of your parents had significant acne, your risk for developing hereditary acne is very high.

Of course there are also environmental factors that influence acne. But the bottom line is your acne genetics may be the underlying reason for your breakouts and for the type of acne you have.

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