
Safe and Effective Acne Scars Treatment

Safe and effective acne scars treatment begins with a consultation. During the consultation, a dermatologist will examine your skin, playing close attention to your scars.

Acne Scars Treatment: Depressed Acne scars

Best results often come from using some treatments. The treatments that a dermatologist may use to treat depressed acne scars include:

Acne scar surgery

Acne scar surgery best for treating a few depressed scars. Dermatologists often perform this minor surgery to treat very noticeable acne scars to create a less-noticeable scar. The remaining scar should fade with time.

Resurfacing procedures

Resurfacing useful for contouring scar edges to make scars less noticeable. Deep scars often require skin surgery and resurfacing.

Resurfacing works well for treating acne scars that are not too deep (nearly flat). Even dermabrasion, which removes the top layers of skin and some of the middle layers, cannot effectively treat deep acne scars.

Skin fillers

Skin fillers best for treating a few depressed scars. But not icepick scars. A dermatologist may fill acne scars with collagen, the patient’s own fat, or another substance. Many fillers give us temporary results, some fillers are permanent.

Skin tightening

Skin tightening best for depressed acne scars. Sometimes, skin tightening effectively treats deep icepick and boxcar scars. Skin tightening is a newer treatment and tends to be more affordable. This treatment is safe for all skin colors.

Dermatologists often use a technology called radiofrequency to tighten the skin. As the skin tightens, depressed acne scars become less noticeable.

Collagen-induction therapy

Collagen-induction therapy best for widespread depressed acne scars. Not a treatment for raised acne scars, which form when the body produces too much collagen.

Also known as “needling” or “micro-needling,” this treatment encourages your body to make more collagen. Research shows that this is a safe treatment for people of all skin colors.


Electrodesiccation best for shaping or reducing the edges of boxcar scars. This treatment uses electric probes to heat the tissue, which causes the tissue to die. This treatment may be part of a treatment plan for boxcar acne scars. Electrodesiccation by itself is not an effective treatment for acne scars.

Acne Scars Treatment: Raised acne scars

The treatments that a dermatologist may use to treat raised acne scars are:


Injections best for painful and raised scars. Dermatologist may recommend injecting medicine directly into the scars. This can soften and flatten raised, thick scars. If the scar does not respond after you receive the 4th injection, acne scar surgery may be recommended.

Acne scar surgery

Acne scar surgery best for raised scars that need more than injections. Dermatologists perform acne scar surgery to reduce raised acne scars. To obtain the best results, acne scar surgery is often followed by radiation.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy best for all types of acne scars. This treatment can treat raised scars safely and effectively. Treatment with a pulsed dye laser can help reduce the itch and pain, diminish color, and flatten a raised scar. For people with lighter skin, intense pulsed light also may be a treatment option.


Cryosurgery best for diminish raised scars in people who have lighter skin. Not recommended for skin of color. The main drawback is that cryotherapy can cause permanent light spots to form on the treated skin.

Silicone dressings and bandages

Silicone dressings and bandages best for reducing scar size and discomfort. None is likely to eliminate a raised scar. Silicone dressings and bandages can be especially helpful to hydrate the skin. This may reduce the itch and pain as well as make the skin more flexible.

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